Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Be Careful Little Ears...

So normally we would associate the song we've heard a million times, "Be careful little ears what you hear...Oh be careful little eyes...", with a child and what they need to wary of. In this circumstance, those ears are mine!
Monday when I picked Jori up from gymnastics, one of the instructors let me know that although Jori is truly talented, her lack of focus would keep her from excelling. I should have immediately ignored the crazy comment about my very imaginative genius 4 year-old, however, I freaked out! I decided she had a problem and might be ADHD (her father is!). I came home immediately and searched for ways to treat ADHD/ADD at home without drugs. I decided we should change our diets drastically. No sugar, no carbonation, no anything good!
It took several days for me to stop and reconsider this over-the-top measures! What was I thinking??? She is only FOUR! How can a woman who is with her only 1 hour a week make such a lousy assumption of Jori.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Few Blissful Months!

Here is a quick run-down of our last few months...

In December my first baby, my baby girl, the child I waited months to conceive turned 4! She is so smart and so funny! This year she wanted a princess party. As you may know, I don't do birthday parties, I do birthday productions. I start months ahead of time and plan these over-the-top parties that make most moms roll their eyes at how much time I've put into the party. Either way...Jori got just what she wanted!

We have had a great winter! Just enough snow to play in but not enough to interfere with life!

Then we had Little Man's 2nd Bday! He has gotten so big so fast! He talks all the time! Yesterday he told me (after fighting with his sister) that "Jori apologized"! I was blown away! These precious babies are such blessings!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Spooktacular Evening!

The Jori-Nator and Jax-The-Lantern
For Halloween, my brillant mother decided she should make the costumes. Without discussing with the kids what they might want to be (Jori wanted to be a mailgirl!), Mom made them super hero costumes. They were adorable! We took the kids to Trunk or Treat at the church and to a few houses of friends.

As we were getting back into the car after the church, Jaxton looked up at us and said..."So Fun". It was all a mom needs to know that all the work in the costumes, party, etc was worth it! They had a great evening!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tubes Update

So my sweet (well sort of sweet) little boy got tubes, as I posted earlier. He has now gone from not talking to speaking in sentences. In two weeks time his entire world has changed. He can ask for things and tell me when he is hurt! Because he used to scream at us for things, his voice was always hoarse (I didn't actually know why it was so gruff) and now it is so different. He sleeps all night and is so pleasant during the day! THANK YOU GOD! He worked a miracle in my little boy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jori-isms everyone knows the phrase "kids say the craziest things". For me this phrase is almost a mantra. I am shocked and amazed daily at the things that come out of my three year old's mouth! She is not only smart beyond her years but oh so cleaver! There is also so much innocence and pure honesty that she oozes that is captivating. She has amazed us all so much that we have dubbed the things she says that blow our minds as Jori-isms.

Recently Jori and my mom were playing in her playroom. Jori told Mimi that they were going on a magic carpet ride (a small pink rug) and that Mimi could join her. She said, "you are kinda heavy but I think my carpet will be okay". We all laughed when Mimi wasn't looking!

Another Jori-ism that happened that very day, again with Mimi; Mimi told Papa that she really needed to focus on her diet and start walking. Jori turned to Mimi and said, "you can borrow my mom's skinny machine, she doesn't need it anymore". (and yes I'm sure I do, I just don't use it!)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Socialite Mommy

This isn't what I started this blog to do...rant about something I can not control...but I have found myself up in arms about a certain issue that faces mothers (and fathers) everyday. Physical perfection.

My younger brother and his girlfriend just cam for the weekend. They are on a new "clean diet" and can't eat anything--well yummy! Last weekend we went to a wedding and every mom there is working out regularly, eating healthy (no wedding cake for them) and getting boob jobs to look 18 again. The weekend before that I went to my class reunion, it was the same scenario. I just want to know when we as a society became so focused on being perfect that we focused on nothing else?

I am not exempt from this issue either. I am really frustrated with myself. I, a few weeks ago, was comfortable in my own skin. Loved who I was both physically and spiritually. With one slight rock of the cradle...look at me now.

No one is exempt...all you dads who get up and work out before going to work or stop by the gym before coming home. You are seeking perfection. Society makes us all feel that perfection is attainable and we should be trying or something is wrong with us. You can't fool me, it isn't to be healthy. Healthy doesn't require you to have a size 2 waist and run 5 miles a day.

I guess my real problem lies in that if we would spend half the time focusing on GOD not the GYM, our society would not be where it is. When is spiritual perfection going to out weigh physical perfection?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ear Tubes HEAR We Come!

I took my 17mo, Jaxton, to the ENT in Lubbock Monday afternoon only to find out that he needs tubes...terribly! His hearing is greatly being effected. He couldn't respond to the audiologist with his right ear at all! It is incredible hard to sit in a sound-proof booth with your child and know that he isn't responding how he should and not be able to point or help him.
Jori had tubes put in when she turned 2. I was very set in her waiting until she was 2 to put her under. Jax is a different story! We've had him on pain killers for a week and I just want the tubes in NOW!